What a beautiful weekend it was in Philly at Art Star Craft Bazaar! A clear blue sky and sunshine made for a very pleasant time spent outside. My booth was surrounded by a fountain on one side, and great live music on the Delaware river on the other side. The wind only got out of control at the end, when some chasing down of onesies, and holding both the tent and my skirt in place was in order.
No wading in the fountain!
My neighbors included the wife-husband-son team of Pinecone + Chickadee (which you can kind of see under my laptop sleeves above), eieio (great job at her first event!), and Andrew Zangerle, whose artwork is a crack up! I didn't get to walk around and check out the other vendors as much as I would have liked, but luckily Indiefixx has a fantastic round up here,here, and here. And how nice is this little post about my wonder threads on moomama?