Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPad sleeve

Hey, check out my iPad sleeve nestled among 100 fun products on New York Magazine's Shop-A-Matic New Spring finds! It was recommended by Mackenzi, who sells my sleeves at her fantastic gift shop Site in Long Island City. Thanks Mackenzi!

chocolate guinness cupcakes

I was inspired to bake some festive(ish) cupcakes for St. Patrick's day...

...after finding this GORGEOUS cake made by Katie Quinn Davies of What Katie Ate.

I actually used a recipe found on Smitten Kitchen, but simplified a bit by skipping the ganache filling, and using just plain cream cheese frosting. 'twas good!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

taste the rainbow

My birthday was Sunday. I'd been noticing rainbow cakes around the blogosphere, and decided making one would be the best way to celebrate (along with friends and family, of course!)

I used this recipe found on Martha Stewart for the cake, then made my own buttercream frostings. It's got to be chocolate for me!

The red and purple were a little off, but overall I was in love with this cake. Cutting out the first slice of rainbow was so exciting! Everyone loved it. I highly recommend making this cake...if you've got a little time and some patience...