Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

I make a really good effort to be Eco-friendly in both my personal life and my biz. Two of my friends however, have taken it to another level, and created Green businesses.

Jennifer started Clean Green, a cleaning company using only non-toxic and ecologically-friendly cleaning methods and products. Clean Green is based in New Jersey, but if that's not your neck of the woods, you can still sign up for the awesome weekly newsletter. It's chock full of green tips for living an eco-friendly lifestyle, and always includes an inspirational quote. Just send an email (from here) to be added to the list!

"Design Junkie" Tiffany started RePlayGround; a company where discarded materials take on a new life! Check out her products, including the ReMake It Recycling kits, and the DIY section of fun projects you can make with objects that might otherwise end up in a landfill, all here. Tiffany also works with TerraCycle, and was even on a new show tonight called Garbage Moguls! Check it all out, and you will never look at garbage the same way again!

I hope these 2 companies inspire you to make every day Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

li'l tractor

Cooper's 4th birthday was one of those times when only a custom applique t-shirt will do. He really loves and knows his tractors, and I hoped he would love to wear one on his belly, too. As you can see here, Cooper was happy to don his new shirt immediately upon opening the box, and strike a pose for me. His enthusiasm and most adorable smile are the perfect reminder of why I am in this biz. What a heart melter!

Cooper is the son of my very good friend Sara. She is one of the most creative people I know, and certainly one of the craftiest moms. Cooper's fantastic birthday crown, and the awesome pillow he is leaning against, are just a sampling of the amazing projects she accomplishes while raising 2 little ones. Check out her delicious art and crafty goodness on her blog, Paper and Cloth. You'll see the buttery soft dishtowels she just made for me. So beautiful! Thanks Sara!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wonder Threads in Sunday's Daily News!!!

I'm so excited!!!
The New York Daily News featured 4 designers from
Brooklyn Indie Market
in a 2-page spread this Sunday, April 5th.

Click on the images, or read the online version here.
Yaayyy for press!!!

Opening Weekend at Brooklyn Indie Market

This weekend was a great start to a new season at Brooklyn Indie Market. We could barely keep our merchandise from flying away in the wind on Saturday, but the sun came out on Sunday and made up for it. TONS of people came out as well. Thanks for shopping!!!

My Bargain Bin sold especially well.

Dee-lish cupcakes from Nine Cakes.

Beautiful jewelry by
Rebecca Shepherd.

Rockin' new spring hats by
Rocks and Salt.

Awesome jewelry made from coins by Wabisabi Brooklyn.

Tees with tats by Andy & Bella

Friday, April 3, 2009

design time

It's time for some new spring Li'l threads styles. I've been thinking a Squirrel would be a good addition to the collection, and finally got myself to sit down and get designing. It's still a work in progress, but I'm hoping to have it ready for tomorrow at Brooklyn Indie Market's 3rd Birthday, Grand Re-Opening weekend!
Still so much to do...

Some research for a furry Squirrel tail at

Have you ever tried photographing a squirrel? Not so easy...